While those in the CIVITAS community represent some the largest retailers in the independent channel with resources greater than typical dealers, they are in competition with many corporate chains whose billions in annual marketing resources present significant challenges. Decades of watching these independent operations grow has made us aware of their remarkable stories and their unique array of consumer benefits, many of which are unavailable from the corporate stores. However, having that heritage and offering those advantages is only as valuable as the ability to communicate them effectively to consumers. That's why the CIVITAS Team has spent decades helping thousands of companies craft their messaging to be more credible, engaging, and persuasive. This fresh perspective, along with the CIVITAS studios' quality production values, provide a unique competitive advantage for the community.
Projects and deliverables include:
Creation and/or periodic updating of your company history video - Including fresh interviews, updated store footage, use of archival imagery and video.
Conversion of Vendor Focused to Dealer Focused Vendor Advertising - While manufacturer-created advertising often includes attractive offers and quality production values, they can tend to be overly focused on them. Their product, brand and offer are romanced with your company only mentioned as "available at". The CIVITAS Team has decades of experience working with vendor brand managers to develop assets that meet their standards while providing the differentiation your brand and offers deserve.
Creation or updating of a "Why work here?" video - Including interviews with successful and long-tenured team members, fresh faces who have just joined the team, and leaders in the organization.
Review of your company's brand promise and supporting media. Whether your company's secret sauce is long on expertise, selection, and/or price; whether you're the leading "locally sourced" dealer or take pride in your family ownership, or your generations of service to the market; or all of the above, consumers will only care if the message is framed in terms of benefits for them.
Development of unique promotional events and off-promotion buying messaging.
Your company has been successful for years, perhaps generations, so there are obviously offers, events and promotions that are already working for you. However, there are 52 shopping weeks in a year and CIVITAS creates additional events and promotions to help flesh out your existing mix.
Production of helpful and informative consumer content and strategies to enhance SEO and ultimately CRO. In addition to the expected "Buy Now" messaging that is part and parcel of all retail advertising, helpful information-driven content and engaging entertainment programing have become an essential element of an up-to=date media mix.
Our goal is to help increase consumer affinity and trust toward your company, while increasing online and in-store traffic for increased sales. Ours is a collaborative approach leveraging your Team's expertise, working with both internal staff and outside agencies, while bringing our perspective, capabilities and experience to the process. Services provided as requested by the community.